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Blogs & News

IMG 236214 Jun 2022
Leading connected and authentic teamsSarah Goulden

Meaningful connection is key to a well-functioning team. It's all too easy to become fragmented when everyone is focused on individual goals, to become blinkered when deadlines loom, and to become detached when challenges arise. But when everyone is communicating authentically in a psychologically safe environment, the whole team – and business can thrive.

Beyond image14 Jun 2022
Beyond: Sustainable growth on your termsSarah Goulden

We're over 6 months into Beyond, Gather's bespoke programme for ambitious leaders. But what’s it all about? We caught up with Project Director Claire Lewis to get the lowdown and how to apply for those final spaces.

Exhibition 29 Jun 2022
Case study: Liverpool4UkraineSarah Goulden

We've all been shocked, angered, and moved by the conflict and humanitarian crisis that continues to unfold in Ukraine. It's inspiring to see the creative community come together to stage an exhibition of work by Ukrainian artists across the Baltic Triangle to support the artists and showcase their talent. We caught up with photographer Jon Turton, and Baltic Triangle area partnership director and Studio Manager of Space by Liquid, Jake Nolan, to hear all about it:

Olivia with laptop4 May 2022
Case study: Girls in MarketingLaureece Nuttall

With an ever-growing community, a following of 170K+ on social media, and a thriving e-learning platform, Girls in Marketing are making a big impact. We caught up with founder Olivia Hanlon to hear about their mission to support aspiring marketers, their future plans, and how Gather has helped them prepare for growth.