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Blogs & News

Emerging Leaders9 Jan 2024
How to equip your future leaders for successGeorgia Hetherington

You've seen the potential. They are ready to take the next step. You want to give them more responsibility. But how do you ensure the future leaders in your team are set up for success?

IMG 32174 Dec 2023
Why Community MattersGeorgia Hetherington

The truth is leadership can be lonely. When you're on the frontline making the big decisions, heading up the team, taking on the responsibility, it can be tough. That's why community matters.

Screenshot 2023 10 08 at 22 44 494 Dec 2023
Beyond: The Programme for Scaling Your BusinessLaureece Nuttall

You've grown as a business, but you're ambitious for more. You're up for the challenges, but not 100% sure how to tackle them. You'd love an experienced sounding board but haven't found the right person.

Hi impact24 Nov 2023
Case study: hi-impactLaureece Nuttall

Hi-impact is a growing education and technical consultancy, fuelled by passion and a commitment to making a difference. Operations Director, Kylie Reid and their leadership team sought support as they embarked on shaping the company towards growth...