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Blogs & News

Dr T Gather Blog9 Jan 2023
Is psychological safety the key to retaining talent?Laureece Nuttall

Does it sometimes feel like your business has a revolving door? Do you want to not just attract but retain great people? At our recent Gather event psychiatrist we held a workshop exploring some of the science behind psychological safety and why it could be the key to stopping talent drain.

COP277 Dec 2022
How to use COP27 to kickstart your sustainability strategySarah Goulden

COP27 saw politicians, business leaders, and environmental activists join together in Egypt to try and push forward global action on climate change. No matter the size of your business we can use some takeaways from COP27 to kickstart your role in saving the planet.

Product Development Liverpool7 Dec 2022
Case Study: D Squared Product DevelopmentSarah Goulden

D Squared Product Development is an innovative design and engineering consultancy with exciting plans for growth. We caught up with founder Daniel Isler to hear about product development, why he wants to give back to the city region, and how Gather has helped to bring the business new focus.

Harnessing Top Talent Panel7 Dec 2022
How to recruit top talent and keep themLaureece Nuttall

Struggling to hire and retain talent? It's a challenge that regularly crops up in our conversations with the Gather community. So for our latest Gather event we assembled a line-up of leaders, experts, and talent to share their insight and experience.