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Blogs & News

Hybrid working26 Aug 2021
Managing in a hybrid worldSarah Goulden

Management can be tough. Navigating relationships, juggling priorities, maintaining a culture, working through challenges. Throw in a global pandemic and it gets a whole lot tougher.

Alignment26 Aug 2021
Let’s Gather: AlignmentSarah Goulden

All businesses are different. They have different challenges, different team dynamics, different opportunities. There's no blueprint for success, but there is an approach that will benefit everyone: alignment.

Emails26 Aug 2021
Tips will help you banish email stressSarah Goulden

The little red number that haunts your phone, the incessant pinging, the constants alerts. Emails, emails, emails. Many of us feel overburdened, overwhelmed, and stifled by them. What should be an effective and easy communication tool has become a source of stress and anxiety.

Authority 0 130 Jul 2021
Could your business benefit from more distributed authority?Sarah Goulden

Leaders lead and teams follow. It’s the natural order of an organisation. But is it the best way to a smooth and successful business? Maybe not.