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Blogs & News

Paalan Sood 012 Feb 2022
Case study: Sood MarketingSarah Goulden

Sood Marketing is an agency focused on making a difference: to their clients, the young people of St Helens and their community. We caught up with founder Paalan Sood to hear about how Gather has helped him become a better leader and shape the future of the business.

2022 Trends2 Feb 2022
Trends to look out for in 2022Sarah Goulden

If there’s one thing 2021 taught us, it’s to expect the unexpected. But even in times of flux, it’s key to look ahead. So what might the next 12 months hold? Let’s take a look at some trends to watch out for…

Balanced Team2 Feb 2022
How to create a balanced teamSarah Goulden

Successful football squads aren’t packed full of flair players, orchestras won’t work without a brass section, a bee colony only needs one queen – for a team to work, you need the right balance. In well-performing teams, you'll usually find that each member has clear strengths and clear responsibilities that complement others. So when you’re building a business it’s important to consider not just individual talent but the balance of your whole team.

LCR Finance Hub small 019 Dec 2021
Get support: the LCR Finance HubSarah Goulden

Across the City Region there’s a huge ecosystem of support for businesses. But what exactly do they do? And how can they help you? We’re going to introduce you to some of them, first up, we caught up with George Wright and Lynsey Barnes from the Liverpool City Region Finance Hub which covers Halton, Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral, the six boroughs of the Region.