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Blogs & News

656 B99091 Aug 2022
Insight: How breathing can help you manage stress and improve resilienceSarah Goulden

At our recent leadership gathering, Rose Long delivered a workshop on the power of breathing. In just a short session we learned some invaluable techniques and why breath plays such a vital role in managing stress and boosting resilience. We caught up with Rose to find out more and to pick up a few tips…

656 B94907 Jul 2022
What do global trends like climate and innovation mean for your business?Laureece Nuttall

No business exists in a vacuum. More so than ever we're affected by – and can affect – global challenges. At our recent Leadership Gathering an expert panel discussed what global challenges like climate and innovation mean for businesses.

656 B97346 Jul 2022
Business Growth in the Decade of PurposeLaureece Nuttall

Purpose driven growth. Is it really possible? How easy it to achieve? Is becoming a B Corp worth it? At our recent Leadership Gathering we got together an expert panel to give us their take on these questions and more.

IMG 5082 746x43028 Jun 2022
Case study: AgentSarah Goulden

Since 2006 Agent have been on a mission to do good things with good people. We caught up with CEO Paul Corcoran to hear about how the team is evolving, the continued success of Agent Academy and how the Hive programme has helped them grow.