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Blogs & News

Poke Logo Landscape 0129 Oct 2021
Creative answers to inclusion and diversity challenges with Poke MarketingSarah Goulden

Poke Marketing is a creative agency that look at things a bit differently. We sat down with founder Andrew Binns to hear about their approach, their experience with Gather, and how they are using creativity to support diversity and inclusion in a male-dominated environment.

B corp digest 0129 Oct 2021
Will COP26 accelerate the B Corp revolution?Sarah Goulden

COP26 is upon us. World leaders are descending on Scotland to reach new agreements on how to tackle climate change. It's a pressing, it's urgent, and it's nearing the top of everyone's agenda. Climate change isn't something governments can thrash out over a couple of single malts while the rest of us carry on regardless, it's something we all need to play our part in – on an individual and corporate level.

Productivity 01 0129 Oct 2021
Ten tools that will make you and your team more productive and collaborativeSarah Goulden

A productive and collaborative team: it’s the dream. A dream that – whether you’re back in the office full time or trying to make a success of hybrid working – is not always that easy to achieve.

Beyond campiagn monitor 0128 Sep 2021
Beyond: Sustainable growth on your termsSarah Goulden

Beyond is Gather’s brand-new programme for ambitious leaders. But what’s it all about? We caught up with Project Director Claire Lewis to get the lowdown: