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Blogs & News

Anna27 Jan 2023
Case Study: Active ProfileLaureece Nuttall

Helping more clients join the dots between PR and marketing, launching Tech Climbers in new regions, and taking a deep dive into their growth plans on our Beyond programme. It's been a busy time for Active Profile. We caught up with CEO Anna Heyes to hear all about it...

DSCF895327 Jan 2023
Case Study: Matchstick CreativeLaureece Nuttall

Matchstick are a truly purpose-led agency. We caught up with CEO Ruth Hartnoll to hear all about their business, their work on Growth for Good, and how the Beyond programme helped them to navigate a rollercoaster 2022.

Diversity Blog9 Jan 2023
Why building a diverse team is more than just the right thing to do.Laureece Nuttall

ED&I consultancy The Unmistakables delivered a great workshop on the benefits of building a diverse team at our last Gather event. They busted some myths and gave some practical steps to drive change. Here are some of the key takeaways from the workshop.

Laureece Headshot9 Jan 2023
Meet the team: Project Manager – Laureece NuttallLaureece Nuttall

The Gather community is all about making connections. So we thought we’d introduce you to Laureece, the person you’ll most likely connect with first if you’re attending a Gather event or programme. She’s the Project Manager that makes sure everything we do runs like clockwork. Let’s find out a bit more about her…