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Blogs & News

Recruitment3 Apr 2023
How to onboard your senior teamLaureece Nuttall

Are you bringing in a new senior appointment? Someone you're looking to help shape the direction of your business and future growth?

B Corp Month3 Apr 2023
Gather B Corps are going beyondLaureece Nuttall

March was B Corp month. A global initiative to spread the word that B Corp Certification isn’t just a box-tick, but an international movement of people going beyond to make their mark on the world.

Kindness6 Mar 2023
Can you really be a kind leader?Laureece Nuttall

Spoiler: the answer is yes. The leadership stereotype of tough, single-minded, and all-powerful is thankfully in the main a thing of the past. But when we think about leaders, kindness is still probably not the first quality that springs to mind.

Diversity Blog9 Jan 2023
Why building a diverse team is more than just the right thing to do.Laureece Nuttall

ED&I consultancy The Unmistakables delivered a great workshop on the benefits of building a diverse team at our last Gather event. They busted some myths and gave some practical steps to drive change. Here are some of the key takeaways from the workshop.