The insight that sparks a new direction, a framework that transforms strategic thinking, or a different perspective that kickstarts better habits. Every day is a learning day. Well, every day when you get a window in your schedule and some time to take a breath. For personal and business growth staying open to new ideas and putting time aside to explore what’s going on outside your bubble is key. So, when you find that elusive ‘growth time’ where should you go first? These are 10 podcasts and books that will (possibly) change your life and (definitely) help you and your business…
Podcast: Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat
Hear from the likes of Seth Godin and Mo Gawdat in this podcast that focuses on happiness and work culture. The focus is very much on science and experts rather than opinion and often tackles subjects from the perspective of psychologists and neuroscientists. It's often sitting pretty at the top of the Apple Business Podcast Chart and has 250,000 streams a month.
Hosted by Dr. Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE, CEO of www.stemettes.org, this is a podcast that focuses on the eureka moments, the successes and failures, the passions and ideas of inventors, entrepreneurs and even spies. The episodes are full of inspiring accounts, funny conversations and unexpected insights and focus on how technology is revolutionising the way we live – as well as the women in tech who are leading the charge.
Find yourself struggling to switch off? Ideas, decisions, global pandemics rushing round your head? You need Slow Radio. This podcast started off as a Radio 3 show and is the perfect antidote to sensory overload. There's everything from Monks chattering to birds singing, Antarctic seals to Caribbean music, and whether you want to zone out for half an hour or drift off for the night stepping back and focusing in on pure sound can really help.
Podcast: The Future of Work with Jacob Morgan
Jacob Morgan is a best-selling author, seasoned Ted-talker and a leading voice on the future of work and employee experience. His regular podcast is a mix of interviews with top leaders, educators and authors, trend insight and tools to help you thrive in and out of the office. Morgan always has an eye on what's happening next and offers some really interesting and actionable insights.
Podcast: Business Made Simple with Donald Miller
Donald Miller and his 'Storybrand' process might be familiar (if not, check it out here, it's a really interesting approach to clarifying your message) but the podcast he hosts with J.J. Peterson and Koula Callaha may not be. If you're looking for practical career advice and insights on business growth, leadership and purpose check out 'Business Made Simple.' Expect a pretty high-profile guest list too with past interviewees including Matthew McConaughey and the Duchess of York.
Book: Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown
Emergent Strategy is a book that will challenge you. Challenge the way you see the world, challenge your approach to life, and challenge you to be better. It looks at what we can learn about human systems from the natural world and the experimental application of those lessons in an explorative and non-linear way. It's a great book to dip into for fresh perspectives on collaboration, embracing change and future thinking.
Book: Radical Candor by Kim Scott
Being a good boss isn't easy. If you want to be a great boss, one that can build, inspire and lead a team to be their very best this book could be a game changer. It's all drawn on Kim Scott's real-life experience at companies like Google, Apple, Twitter and Dropbox and offers clear and honest guidance on transforming your relationships at work.
This is a book that will turn everything you thought about motivation on its head. Daniel Pink draws on 40 years of scientific research to show that we need to rethink the way we motivate our teams and give people purpose, mastery and autonomy. It's a book that doesn't stop at theory and insight, it compels you to reassess what you do and transform how you live.
Book: Biased by Jennifer Eberhardt
Jennifer Eberhardt is a social psychologist and a leading expert on unconscious bias. Her book examines how biases affect every part of society from the classroom to the boardroom. And how what might seem like imperceptible, insignificant behaviours can collectively make a huge difference. It's an important book for anyone in a position of power to read and shows how we all have the opportunity to change things for the better.
Book: Managing Oneself by Peter F Drucker
To be an effective leader you need to manage yourself. Drucker has long been an influential voice on modern management and this book is all about discovering the real you, how you work best and taking responsibility for how you communicate. There are lots of actionable learning points and questions posed that will help you take charge of your career, become a better leader and benefit your personal life too.