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Register interest

You're about to register your interest for the Emerging Leaders programme. It should take no more than 2 minutes to complete.

The next cohort kicks off in October 2024.

This programme is supported by the Barclays Eagle Labs Ecosystem Partnership Programme, funded by the UK Government, at a cost of £750 + VAT.

Before you start, please check you meet the following criteria:

  • Part of the digital, creative, and tech sector with an ambitious growth mindset
  • Working in the Liverpool City Region
  • Committed to engaging with all elements of the programme
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Register interest

First name

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Register interest

Last name

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Register interest

And, your email address?

Please enter a valid email address here.
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Register interest

And, the best number to directly contact you on?

Please enter a full phone number here.
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Register interest

What's your company called?

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Register interest

Where is {companyName} based? Please include full address including postcode.

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Register interest

Which of these best describes the sector you work in?

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Almost done!One last thing, please enter a password for your account. Then click Submit.
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Thank you for your interest.

A member of the Gather team will get back to you within a week to share more information about the programme.

If you have any questions, give us a shout at [email protected]