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Be open

To opportunities, shared idea, collaboration and most of all to each other.

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Build together

Together is better than alone. Gather aligns everyone who works and plays in our sector to build together.

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Give back

Your story has been full of guides, mentors and support. Giving back is finding the people following in your footsteps and helping them along the way.

Course Modules

Review 2x24 Mar 2020
The Finance Deep Dive

The first module is all about your business finances. We're going to get a full picture of where things are up to and use that as a solid starting point to find the spots where there is room for improvement.

Reflect 2x25 Mar 2020
Time to stabilise

Now, it's time to stabilise. Learn from industry experts who've got the battle scars from the business journey and you'll finish off this module with a clear road map to reach stable and solid foundations to get you ready to rebuild and grow again.