What is your company called?
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Beyond the Mettle alumni sessions, have you connected with any of the Mettle alumni, through things like cross-referrals or collaborative work?
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If yes, add details here.
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When you joined Mettle, you told us you had {furloughedStaff} on furlough. How many of those employees have now returned to work?
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How many of them do you anticipate will transition back into the business?
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If any, how many of those furloughed staff are at risk of redundancy?
Please enter a value
Have you had to make any redundancies at this stage?
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How many redundancies do you anticipate making?
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Before starting the programme, you told us your latest annual turnover was {annualTurnover}, overall as a result of Covid-19 do you anticipate that will decrease, maintain or increase this financial year?
Please enter a value
What area would you most like support with to unlock growth for your business right now?
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And finally, at the end of the programme we asked you how you would rate the Liverpool City Region as a place to stabilise, adapt and grow your business. You gave a {lcrPerception} out of 5. Could you talk me through that score?
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What would the Liverpool City Region need to do to rate higher from your perspective?
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Additional/final comments
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That's all - just click submit.